The uniqueness of the IHT is its focus! It is directed toward one goal - YOU becoming a Happier person. Most other self-help theories tend to shy away from dealing with the specific issue of Happiness. They focus on achieving various things in life, but not the ultimate desire: to be Happier. The IHT attempts to increase your awareness and understanding of Happiness by utilizing a step-by-step procedure. It will make you aware that Happiness is a process - indeed an “art form” - and one at which you can be very successful.

This theory also attacks misconceptions as well as the erroneous assumption that Happiness is illusive and unattainable.  Happiness is not some unachievable quest. As a matter of fact, Happiness is a state natural to all of us. We know when we are Happy and when we are unHappy. With practice we can learn to differentiate between levels of Happiness and unHappiness (slightly, moderately, very, and extremely). However, those things that “make” each of us Happy and unHappy are quite different. That is because each of us is unique - a composite of totally different life experiences - and thus different choices about the realities in our lives. (That is why previously no one has been able to simply philosophize “about Happiness” and create a theory that consistently helps others to become Happier.)

                                                        © Dr. Bob Bedard 2016.